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Disadvantages of bottled water

The fact is that bottled water is not always filtered and not necessarily cleaner or safer than the most tap water, according to a four year scientific study recently made public by National Resources Defence Council (NRDC). The NRDC's study included testing of more than 1,000 bottles of 103 brands of bottled water. While most of the tested waters were found to be of high quality , some brands were significantly contaminated. About one - third of the waters tested contained levels of contamination including synthetic organic chemicals, bacteria and arsenic. In fact, about a quarter of all bottled water is actually bottled tap water. v Expensive. v Questionable in Quality. v Most brands use normal municipality water as the source. v Causes environmental pollution. v PET bottles exposed to extremely hot summer sun during transport may become cause for cancers. v Limited in quantity- normally can be used only for drinking. v Inconvenient - difficulties in procuring and storing.

Selected Contaminants of Potential Concern for Bottled Water


Contaminant Health Concern with Excess Levels

Coliform Bacteria Broad class of bacteria used as potential indicator of facial contamination. Harmful types of coliform bacteria (such as certain fecal coliform bacteria or E.Coli) can cause infections with vomitting, diarrhea or serious illness in children, the elderly and immuno compromised or other vulnerable people.
Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC) Bacteria Potential indicator of overall sanitation in bottling and source water, may be harmless of themselves. In some cases may indicate presence of infectious bacteria, data show sometimes linked to illnesses. Can interfere with detection of coliform bacteria or infectious bacteria. Unregulated by FDA
Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria Possible indicator of fecal contamination or unsanitary source water or bottling. Can cause opportunistic infections. Unregulated by FDA
Arsenic Known human carcinogen. Also can cause skin, nervous and reproductive or developmental problems.
Nitrate Causes "blue baby" syndrome in infants, due to interference with blood's ability to take up oxygen. Potential cancer risk.
Trihalomethanes(ie. chloroform,
dichlomenthane and bromoform
Cancer of bladder, colorectal cancer, possibly pancreatic cancer. Also concerns about possible birth deffects and spondaneous abortions.
Phthalate (DEHP) Cancer, possible endocrine system disrupter. Unregulated by FDA.